Oct 2019Central Ohio OHSAA Girls District Tournament
The Central Ohio OHSAA District tournament takes place today and Saturday. Division I is at Reynoldsburg High School, and Division II is at CSG today and Reynoldsburg on Saturday. Draws: Division I Singles Division I Doubles Division II Singles Division II Doubles Congratulations to all the District Qualifiers including: Anna Chang / Naomi Chen (Academy) DII Doubles – Sectional Champions Katie Zerbi (Wellington) DII Doubles…

May 2019Junior Team Tennis 2019
The USTA Junior Team Tennis season starts soon. Teams are being formed now. The 1st matches are on Friday May 31st. Matches are on Fridays and generally start between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Matches include boys and girls singles, boys and girls doubles, and mixed doubles. Players must play in at least 2 local matches to be eligible for the District and Midwest tournament. Local…

May 2019Dabek Patriot League Doubles Team of the Year
Congratulations to Jack Dabek for being named Patriot League doubles team of the year with Andrew Ton. They were ranked 38th in the country. They also won the league and qualified for the NCAA tournament and played at UNC. Navy Sweeps League Men’s Tennis Major Awards

May 2019Skidmore NCAA Tournament Regional Final
Congrats to Connor Biernat who helped Skidmore advance to the NCAA Regional Finals where they play Bowdoin tomorrow afternoon. No. 17 Skidmore tops TCNJ 5-1 in NCAA Second Round

May 2019Denison All NCAC Honors
Congratulations to Alex Cash for getting All NCAC Conference Honors in doubles and honorable mention in singles. https://www.denisonbigred.com/sports/wten/2018-19/releases/20190508j7pubv

May 2019RCC 12s 14s Tournament
Congratulations to the following who competed in the RCC May 12s 14s tournament this past weekend, and the 10s tournament last month. Boys 14s Champion: Ethan Samora Boys 14s Finalist: Stefan Li Boys 14s Consolation Champion: Eric Tang Boys 12s Finalist: Henry Lessard Boys 12s Consolation Champion: Karan Shanker Girls 14s Champion: Ava Richard Girls 12s Champion: Arya Chabria Girls 12s Finalist: Tyra Butler Boys 10s Champion: Karan Shanker…

Nov 201818s Int JTT Nationals
Congratulations to the 18s Int RCC Midwest Championship team who competed last weekend at the Junior Team Tennis Nationals in Orlando at the USTA National Campus. The team was made up of Ella Hazelbaker, Nick Geelan, Wendy Shi, Noah Mizer, Will Newberry, Evelyn Holman, Jack Rardon and Stanley Cao. The team was in a really close flight, finishing one game out of 2nd place. They…

Nov 2018RCC Green Ball Single Day Showdown
Last weekend, there was a 10s Single Day Showdown at the Racquet Club. Congratulations to Karan Shankar for winning the Boys 10s. There were lots of close matches in the tournament. Congratulations to Sammie Mercer and Audrey Lu, the champion and finalist of the Girls 10s.

Oct 2018RCC Single Day Showdown
There was a Single Day Showdown a few weeks ago at the Racquet Club. Congratulations to the following: B 12s Europe Champion: Karan Shanker B 12s Europe Finalist: Jackson Lloyd B 12s U.S.A. Champion: Shailen Patel B 12s U.S.A. Finalist: Arnav Joshi B 14s Finalist: Sanjan Shanker B 14s Consolation Champion: Nikola Kisin G14s Champion: Arya Chabria G 14s Finalist: Kate Thompson

Sep 2018RCC 18s Int Midwest Champions
RCC swept the 18s divisions at the JTT Midwest Championships. RCC1 won the 18s Int, qualifying for the National Championships in November at the USTA National Campus in Florida. The team consisted of Nick Geelan, Jack Rardon, Will Newberry, Neha Dudipala, Ella Hazelbaker, Noah Mizer, Evelyn Holman, Wendy Shi, Stanley Cao and Adam Sorrels. They defeated Fast and Furious Forehands from Indiana in the final…