RCC 12s 14s Tournament
Congratulations to the following who competed in the RCC May 12s 14s tournament this past weekend, and the 10s tournament last month.
Boys 14s Champion: Ethan Samora
Boys 14s Finalist: Stefan Li
Boys 14s Consolation Champion: Eric Tang
Boys 12s Finalist: Henry Lessard
Boys 12s Consolation Champion: Karan Shanker
Girls 14s Champion: Ava Richard
Girls 12s Champion: Arya Chabria
Girls 12s Finalist: Tyra Butler
Boys 10s Champion: Karan Shanker
Boys 10s Finalist: Keshav Goyal
Orange Ball 10s Champion: Soorya Loganand
Orange Ball 10s Finalist: Advik Behera