Midwest Closed 16s / 18s
The 16s and 18s Midwest Closed is currently going on in Indianapolis.
Boys 16s all won at least one match and included Stu Brdicka, Colten Clark, Jordan Phelps and Robert Cash. Brdicka won his 2nd match in the Consolation this morning. Cash is still in the Front Draw singles, and is competing in the Doubles semi with JJ Mercer later.
Connor Biernat won a round of singles and doubles, and is still in the consolation. Jonathan Zhuravel won a round of singles and is still in the Consolation. Jacob Wareti won a round of doubles and is still in the front draw in Singles. Austin Lawrence and Sam Sullivan also competed in 18s, and Austin won a round in 3 sets.
Paige Kompa won 1 round of singles and 2 rounds of doubles in Girls 16s.
Alex Cash won her 2nd match today in Singles and plays again in the Consolation of the Girls 18s.